The PB Pulse

Sovereign Computing with Start9

Sovereign Computing with Start9

  The "cloud" is just someone else's computer. Your cell phone and laptop are just remote controls. You are not in control and there is no true privacy. Everything you do online is intermediated. You blindly agree to terms and conditions you never read. You entrust your private data to companies whose interests are not aligned with your own. Invasion of privacy and censorship are rampant, and data honey pots are impossible to secure forever. Combining your data with millions of others practically guarantees you will be hacked, even though you were not the original target.At Start9, we believe that Cloud Computing, a computing paradigm defined by third-party servers acting as central service providers and data custodians for the whole world, is a mistake and whose dire vulnerabilities foretell its demise.Instead, we believe that Sovereign Computing, a computing paradigm defined by personal servers acting as private clouds, provides a more secure, economically efficient, and dignified basis for humanity's information age.When you run a personal server, you are in control. There are no terms and conditions; no one can invade your privacy or censor you; and because your data alone are worthless, there is no incentive for hackers to risk life and liberty to attack your server. In this model, privacy and security are not features patched onto an inherently public and insecure foundation, they are inherent in the design itself.It has always been possible to own a personal server, but practical limitations such as technical acumen and time, prevented all but the elite few from doing it. Server administration involves compiling software, permissioning file systems, editing configuration files, managing dependencies, configuring network interfaces, generating certificates, monitoring health, creating backups, and more. It is a serious undertaking that requires significant time and expertise that almost no one possesses.The missing piece of the puzzle is a server operating system that makes administering a personal server easy and time-efficient. Just as Windows and macOS made it possible for anyone to own a personal computer, StartOS makes it possible for anyone to own a personal server. It facilitates the entire process of discovering, downloading, installing, configuring, monitoring, backing up, and generally managing any variety of server applications.Running a personal server is about opting out of broken, centralized systems that are based on trust, in favor of new, decentralized systems that don't rely on trust. From running a Bitcoin node and becoming a first class citizen in the new financial system, to running a NextCloud instance and replacing Google for all your basic computing needs, StartOS makes digital sovereignty possible for everyone.
Bitcoin Mining - Powering Prosperity in Africa

Bitcoin Mining - Powering Prosperity in Africa

The Synergy of Bitcoin Data Centers and Renewables-Based Minigrids In the realm of electrification in emerging markets, a revolutionary approach is on the horizon—one that marries small-scale Bitcoin data centers with renewables-based minigrids. This dynamic duo promises to drive profitable electrification without relying on charity, aid, or government subsidies, paving the way for sustainable development and economic empowerment.At the heart of this innovation lies the challenge of minigrids' low return on investment (ROI). High capital expenditure (CAPEX) costs, coupled with low initial consumption and lengthy payback periods, render minigrids economically unviable without subsidies. However, by integrating small-scale Bitcoin mining operations into renewables-based microgrids, a solution emerges to tackle the issue of stranded renewable energy.Bitcoin mining, with its consistent and reliable demand for electricity, offers a lifeline for excess renewable energy that would otherwise go to waste. This symbiotic relationship unlocks the potential of stranded renewable energy projects, contributing to a more sustainable energy future while bolstering the economic viability of minigrids.The synergy between minigrids and renewable energies perfectly aligns with their distributed, decentralized, and accessible nature. Similarly, small-scale Bitcoin data centers resonate with the distributed and participatory ethos of Bitcoin, a neutral asset accessible to all. This integration creates a win-win scenario, benefiting minigrid developers, local entrepreneurs, communities, and national utilities alike, thereby fostering socioeconomic development. Moreover, integrating Bitcoin data centers into minigrids enhances the resilience and robustness of energy infrastructure. Decentralized and distributed energy generation not only strengthens global energy resilience but also fortifies Bitcoin's resilience. Minigrids powering Bitcoin data centers can catalyze private investments, making electricity accessible to millions without power while ensuring profitability and sustainability.However, achieving the ambitious goal of connecting 490 million people to minigrids by 2030 requires innovative financing mechanisms. Existing financial flows, typically the result of one-off deals, are insufficient. The sector urgently needs new types of financing vehicles developed by investors for investors, actively managed and sustainably funded.Small-scale Bitcoin data centers and renewables-based minigrids hold immense potential as cornerstones for expediting and fortifying power infrastructure in Africa and beyond. By aligning incentives, they pave the way for prosperity and sustainability for all stakeholders.This transformative power of this dynamic partnership is driving positive change and empowerment on a global scale. Helpful resources to learn more: Bitcoin in Africa Show: Live from 2023 Africa Bitcoin Mining Summit; Gridless's Gitugu Site Tour What Bitcoin Did The Ultimate Bitcoin Use Cases with Alex Gladstein What Bitcoin Did Bitcoin vs Economic Imperialism with Erik Hersman Gridless Mining website
Will Merchants Lead the Way to Hyperbitcoinization?

Will Merchants Lead the Way to Hyperbitcoinization?

How does business behavior change in a hyperbitcoinization scenario? Francis Pouliot, CEO and Founder of Bull Bitcoin, speculates on the scenario in a tweet back in July of 2023. It is a long thread, but worth the read. The text outlines a scenario where Bitcoin adoption for payments is driven not by the desire to use Bitcoin as a superior technology, but out of necessity.In summary, he believes that merchants, faced with diminishing returns from accepting inferior currencies, begin to favor Bitcoin for transactions. Gradually, then suddenly, the refusal to accept anything other than Bitcoin will become the norm across the supply chain. He argues that economic pressures will eventually force merchants to convert their fiat currency into Bitcoin to remain competitive. In a hyperbitcoinization scenario, where fiat currencies rapidly devalue against Bitcoin, accepting Bitcoin for payments becomes the only viable option to acquire Bitcoin. Ultimately, the refusal to accept Bitcoin will lead to elimination from the marketplace.He concludes that, “People will adopt Bitcoin because an intolerant minority of merchants and/or their suppliers will start refusing to be paid in currencies other than Bitcoin. It is not the desire to spend Bitcoin that will drive Bitcoin adoption, it is the desire to be paid in Bitcoin that will be the catalyst. Spending Bitcoin will become a requirement, reluctantly.”Here’s a list of forward-thinking merchants that have already begun crafting a Bitcoin standard way of doing business and are proactively incentivizing users to pay in Bitcoin. Pacific Bitcoin (Pay with Bitcoin to save 10%) Saife House - Saifedean’s publishing company (Pay with Bitcoin to save 10%) Zaprite (Charges extra to use fiat rails) CoinKite (Pay with Bitcoin to save 5%) Panties for Bitcoin (Pay with Bitcoin to save 10%) Satoshi Coffee Co. (Only accepts Bitcoin payments) The list is small but growing. If you know of any others we can add, please shoot us an email at
Returning to Nourishment Through Beef and Bitcoin

Returning to Nourishment Through Beef and Bitcoin

At Perennial Pastures Ranch, we're on a mission to reconnect people with their ancestral roots through the power of regeneratively grazed beef and the principles of Bitcoin. Many of us on the team have experienced firsthand the transformative effects of adopting a more ancestral approach to our diets, with grass-fed beef playing a central role in our journey towards optimal health and vitality.Some of us were once staunch advocates of plant-based diets, believing it to be the best choice for our health and the planet. Others among us consumed meat without much thought to its origin or impact. However, regardless of our past dietary habits, we've all witnessed significant improvements in our energy levels, performance, and overall well-being since incorporating regeneratively grazed beef into our diets.Our philosophy is simple: by returning to the ancestral foods our bodies were designed to thrive on, we can unlock unparalleled levels of healing and vitality. When animals are allowed to graze on their natural diet of perennial grasses, the result is meat that is not only more nutrient-dense but also environmentally sustainable. Through our regenerative ranching practices, we prioritize the health of the soil, ensuring that both the meat we produce and the land it comes from are enriched with life-giving nutrients.In contrast to the mass-produced, nutrient-stripped foods perpetuated by the current industrial food system, our approach to beef production represents a radical departure. We reject the notion of "fiat food" – products churned out by conglomerates with little regard for health or sustainability – and instead embrace a way of doing business that aligns with the principles of Bitcoin.Just as Bitcoin disrupts the centralized control of traditional financial systems, we aim to disrupt the industrial food complex by offering a superior alternative rooted in transparency, integrity, and sustainability. Our commitment to these values extends beyond our farming practices to how we conduct business. We are proud to accept Bitcoin for bulk beef orders, and have plans to expand this option to our Farmer's Market booths in the near future.By embracing Bitcoin, we're participating in a revolutionary movement towards greater autonomy, freedom, and resilience. Together, let's return to a generation of badass, metabolically nourished human beings who thrive on the ancestral wisdom of our past. Join us on this journey towards a healthier, more sustainable future – one bite of grass-fed beef at a time.  About The Founder Our founder Kevin Muno is actually not so different from you. Kevin grew up as an athlete with a dream of being a professional baseball player. As he explored ways he could nourish himself with the most nutrient-dense foods, that’s when he discovered “ancestral eating” and how vital grass-fed beef was for his performance. Although Kevin pivoted from his focus of baseball after facing injury, he became that much more invested in the path of regenerative agriculture after realizing how connected the healing of the earth was to the healing of humanity.
The March of Freedom Continues in El Salvador

The March of Freedom Continues in El Salvador

On February 3rd, the people of El Salvador went to the polls, and made their voices heard loud and clear. Over 84% of the people voted to give President Bukele another 5-year mandate. The mainstream media was quick to credit the security situation to the remarkable electoral victory which pulverized the opposition. While this is certainly true, the reason people voted for continuity is because of the newfound freedoms they are enjoying. These freedoms include being able to leave their homes without the fear of gangs, and the freedom to choose their own destiny in a country that is offering opportunities. Following his electoral victory, President Bukele traveled to Washington D.C. to be the primetime speaker on opening day at CPAC – the largest gathering conference of Conservatives in the United States. At the conference, President Bukele eloquently spoke about the dangers facing America. He issued a warning, saying there are signs that the United States is heading in the direction El Salvador was 50 years ago. Since 2019 El Salvador has been on a new path of security and economic freedom. One of the dangers President Bukele pointed out is the United States’ financial policy, saying the continued printing of money is not sustainable. Bitcoin fixies this. Bitcoin’s emission schedule is set in code. It cannot be altered by an FOMC. There are no privileged individuals or groups getting access to a spigot of free money. It is proof of work! Whether you are a multi billionaire or a pleb, both must work equally hard to get bitcoin. It is the most democratic form of money. We hope the readers visit El Salvador and see these amazing changes for themselves. About The Author Damian Merlo is Senior Political Advisor of President Bukele. His professional expertise lies in the links between international business development and governmental relations. Mr. Merlo is a truly world citizen and global traveler. Damian had professional assignments in more than 30 countries around the globe and has lived in Argentina, Spain, Brazil, Sweden, Cuba, and the US.
The Viral Challenge That Has Bitcoin Twitter Pumped

The Viral Challenge That Has Bitcoin Twitter Pumped

Straight out of Bitcoin Twitter, where memes are the language and humor is often the currency, one recent challenge has the community flexing more than just their Bitcoin wallets. The challenge? A staggering 100 pushups a day, all in the name of reaching the elusive $100K Bitcoin price. As the meme gains traction, so does the enthusiasm of Bitcoiners ready to pump up their gains, both in the market and at the gym.Bitcoiners from all walks of life, whether seasoned HODLers or newcomers to the space, are embracing the challenge with open arms (and flexed biceps). Screenshots of push-up counters and sweaty workout selfies flooded timelines, creating a communal sense of camaraderie and motivation. Here are a few of the Bitcoiners that have outwardly proclaimed their commitment to the challenge:@PeterMcCormack@BTCsessions@satoshibaggins@seanclarke911@knox_hodl@noufsmith@Anders_@bitkite@DavidBranscumAs the pushup counters approach the six-figure mark and Bitcoin approaches this historic price level, the 100K pushup challenge is becoming more than just a meme – it’s becoming a testament to the unity and spirit of the Bitcoin community.Bitcoiners know how to pump up the fun ;D
REALITY Lyrics by Tip NZ

REALITY Lyrics by Tip NZ

With great honor, the Pacific Bitcoin team is excited to share the full lyrics to Tip NZ’s powerful song, “REALITY”. If you thought Tip’s performance at Pacific Bitcoin 2023 was moving (which we definitely do not disagree with), try reading the lyrics over when you have five minutes of peace and solitude – a moment to take it all in, line by line.Her words remind us of the power of Bitcoin and what is at stake. Truly moving. Which lines are most impactful to you?  REALITY Lyrics by Tip NZ: With time, a seed becomes a tree, sheltering usWith time, a skill becomes a talent, empowering usWith time, a technology becomes a tool, enhancing usBy nature, time gives value to almost everythingYet the very thing our society gives value to, our money,loses value over timeThis paradox warps our reality by defying the laws of nature and it stems from the belief that...A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrowMeaning money must always lose value and we've built our reality off of this model "Time Value of Money" we call it but in reality this is just dogmaSince we can keep making more of it we end up destroying our own purchasing powerSo we put it in stocksput it in bondsput it in landput it in fundsput it in cryptoput it in goldbut we're not oracles so what do we know?We know that it's hard to get byWe know some people may never retireIs time value of money a lie since it discounts the monetary value of our time?If time is money, how are they moving in different directions?We're working longer for less we end up just giving away our freedomGive up liberty for policiesGive up our agency to the authoritiesBecause when our foundation is built on complexity we simplify humans by giving up our humanityReality check we've strayed too far from the truthThe world economy's a wreck when 1+1 no longer equals to 2And if life's created from the truth along the way something got screwed and we let our own dogma subjectify valueWhen we divorce action from consequenceWe defy the law of physicsWhen we made scarcity infiniteWe disregard the language of mathematicsSo our systems are built on a fallacyOur society is based on a fantasyIn the absence of truth, we're living in the shadows of our own realityAnd that's the root problemMan-made rules can be brokenAs our trust crumbles so does the progress of our civilizationBut one thing remains constantNo one can cheat natureSo why not use it to architect a stronger base layerThe most beautiful buildings are engineered based on these consequencesNatural law drives rigour needed to build something enduringUncompromising on principles that accounts for the flawsBecause when our lives are at stake the gravity of truth cannot be ignoredSo if our monetary system was designed like structuresit would embody energy and matter so the money itself mattersAn unbreakable limit enforced by costliness of creationensures the structure holds value for many generationsA rule based system governed by maths builds a transparent ecosystem that can self error correctWith no one in charge no words are taken as fact only work from computation can actualize truth of timestampsAnd like water flowing off a cliff down the path of gravity computational energy makes time flow one way onlyIt is this irreversibility which gives value to our money by upholding consensus and scarcity to create one shared realityNow the map is the territoryNow we're working with high fidelityNow money is truthfully time and energy bound by finalityNow we have the ability to manifest each of our dreamsWe and build a world that is much more reflective of all of our needsAnd that's the purpose of moneyMerely a tool to shape our realityMerely a function to harness and express individualityJust a way to live freelyJust a means for possibilityBecause when we build on integrity we enhance the beauty of humanityThe most beautiful societies are built from diversity of our thoughts that come to life when we're empowered individuallyBecause when our money tomorrow is worth more than today, we shift from predicting to creating the future ourselvesAnd when our money grows in value we grow thoughtful in how we use itNatural law drives rigour needed to fund something enduringSomething truly worth itSomething that pushes the sky's limitSomething only possible now real value and consequence exist in boundless virtual dimensionsImagine potential creations fuelled by monetary life force lasting for many generationsWe will venture into new territories and unleash these possibilities once we learn to embrace the truth of our reality Tip NZ is coming back to Pacific Bitcoin 2024 with a brand new performance! Get your tickets here.
Wear It Loud, Wear It Proud: How Bitcoin Apparel Ignites Conversations and Fuels Curiosity

Wear It Loud, Wear It Proud: How Bitcoin Apparel Ignites Conversations and Fuels Curiosity

In the dynamic world of Bitcoin, fashion takes on a new role beyond trends and styles. Wearing Bitcoin apparel isn't just about making a statement; it's a silent invitation down the rabbit hole. Because the truth is, we are ALL Bitcoin’s marketing department. Connecting Communities Wearing Bitcoin apparel goes beyond personal style, it creates a sense of community. When enthusiasts spot someone else sporting a Bitcoin logo, it’s an instant connection between like-minded individuals. It's a secret handshake, a fast way for us to know that we are both part of the community that's shaping the future of finance.Kristin Thompson, the Director of Pacific Bitcoin, was just stopped the other night at her favorite sushi spot when a nearby table noticed her Pacific Bitcoin limited edition “Get On the Mission” sweatshirt. Sparking Conversations Bitcoin apparel turns everyday encounters into learning opportunities. From coffee shops to grocery stores, it opens the door for impromptu conversations about Bitcoin, turning curious glances into discussions about financial sovereignty. Influence Through Expression Wearing Bitcoin is more than a fashion choice; it's a form of expression that transcends traditional communication. It’s a subtle yet powerful visual showcase of enthusiasm. Where to Buy Bitcoin Merch FOMO21 has been a long-time favorite Bitcoin apparel company, and Pacific Bitcoin joined forces with Neil Jacobs and his team to bring you exclusive Pacific Bitcoin-inspired clothing and accessories. “The bright, orange future of Bitcoin is not just a vision; it's a reality that's being built every day by communities like those gathered around Pacific Bitcoin. This is why we are thrilled to launch a dedicated Pacific Bitcoin online store”, says Neil Jacobs.You can also find a variety of other Bitcoin-inspired styles here. So, wear it loud, wear it proud, and let the Bitcoin revolution unfold one shirt at a time.